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As we all know, with the development of economy and society, more and more parents want to send their children to study abroad because of the severe employment situation in China. On the one hand, the diploma is more valuable, on the other hand, you can master a foreign language and get rid of the bad foreign language environment in China. Senior talents live and work abroad because they are better paid abroad than at home. In order to better enjoy the preferential policies of the country, some Chinese people directly joined the foreign countries while studying or working abroad. However, they did not cancel their Chinese household registration at the same time. This has become a common phenomenon in China.

However, with the outbreak and spread of the epidemic in 2020, these "Chinese" who have dual nationality and are fleeing the epidemic in China are also faced with visa extension, stay/residence permit and other problems. Recently, Xino has received many inquiries about how to extend the visa of foreign Chinese in China, how to cancel the household registration (“Hu Kou”) in China, whether it is feasible not to cancel and so on.
According to article 3 of the

The following Xino has the Shenzhen household registration for foreign Chinese as an example, to give you a simple introduction to the cancellation of household registration in Shenzhen.
一、申请条件 Application conditions
Shenzhen registered residents have legally acquired foreign nationality or the right of permanent residence in Hong Kong or Macao.
二、申请方式 Application method
由本人到深圳市公安局出入境管理局申请;属未成年人的,须由父(母)到深圳市公安局出入境管理局申请; 如父母离异的,须由小孩的法定监护人到场申请。
Apply to exit and Entry Administration Bureau of Shenzhen Municipal Public Security Bureau in person; If the child is a minor, the parent shall apply to the Exit and Entry Administration Bureau of Shenzhen Municipal Public Security Bureau; In case of divorce of parents, the legal guardian of the child must be present to apply.

三、申请材料:Application Materials:
- (一)填写《注销户口通知申请表》(局官网http://ga.sz.gov.cn/WSBS/BGXZ/CRJ/ 下载),粘贴2寸彩色近照一张;
fill in "application form for cancellation notice" (can download on the bureau website http://ga.sz.gov.cn/WSBS/BGXZ/CRJ/), paste 2 inch color photograph; - (二)深圳居民身份证、户口本;(如无,请到户口所在派出所开具“户籍证明”);
Shenzhen resident IDENTITY card and household register; (If not, please go to the local police station to issue the "household registration certificate"); - (三)以原户籍身份所办的中国出入境证件原件;(公安机关需注销)
the original Chinese exit/entry certificate issued with the original household registration identity; (Public Security organs need to cancel) - (四)与申请事由相应的证明材料:
Supporting materials corresponding to the reasons for application:1、取得外国国籍的,还须提交:
Those who have acquired foreign nationality shall also submit:- (1)最近一次入境使用的外国护照、中国签证证件及入境验讫章;
Foreign passports, Chinese visa certificates and entry inspection seals for the most recent entry; - (2)加入外国国籍前使用的中华人民共和国护照;
the passport of the People's Republic of China used before naturalization as a foreign national; - (3)其他相关的入籍证明(如:入籍归化书、移民登记证明等);
other relevant naturalization certificates (e.g. naturalization certificate, immigration registration certificate, etc.); - (4)以中国公民身份申请的中国出入境证件原件(需要被注销)。
Original Chinese exit/entry document applied for as A Chinese citizen (need to be cancelled).
Those who obtain permanent residence abroad shall also submit:- (1)有效的中华人民共和国护照;
A valid passport of the People's Republic of China; - (2)有效的国外永久居留权证明(如绿卡等);
Valid proof of permanent residence abroad (e.g. green card); - (3)最近一次回国入境验讫章;
Entry Inspection seal for the latest return to China;
Persons who have obtained the right of permanent residence in Hong Kong or Macao shall also submit:- (1)香港、澳门永久居民身份证;
Hong Kong and Macao permanent identity CARDS; - (2)因在港澳学习、工作等原因取得永久居留权的,提交往来港澳通行证及逗留签注;因投资移民等原因取得永久居留权的,提交中华人民共和国护照及投资移民证明;
If the applicant has obtained the right of permanent residence through studying or working in Hong Kong or Macao, he/she shall submit the permit for travelling to and from Hong Kong or Macao and the visa for Stay; If the applicant obtains the right of permanent residence due to investment immigration or other reasons, he/she shall submit the passport of the People's Republic of China and the proof of investment immigration; - (3)最近一次回国入境验讫章;
Entry Inspection seal for the latest return to China;
- (1)最近一次入境使用的外国护照、中国签证证件及入境验讫章;
- (五)未成年人因取得境外永久居留权注销深圳户籍的,还需要提供以下申请材料:
Minors who have obtained the right of permanent residence abroad to cancel their permanent residence in Shenzhen shall also provide the following application materials:- 1、申请人出生证明;
The applicant's birth certificate; - 2、父母双方身份证件及户口簿;
Identity documents and residence booklet of both parents; - 3、父母婚姻法律文书(如结婚证;离婚证及离婚协议书、法院判决书或调解书);
Parents' marriage legal documents (such as marriage certificate; Divorce certificate and divorce agreement, court judgment or conciliation statement);
- 1、申请人出生证明;
- (六)出入境部门认为必要的其他证件;
other documents deemed necessary by the exit and entry departments;
四、办证时限 Time limit for application
受理次日起5个工作日 (公安机关认为需要调查的,调查时间不计入承诺的办结时限)
5 working days after the day of application(if the public security organ deems it necessary to conduct investigation, the investigation time shall not be included in the time limit for completion of the commitment)
The above is only the way to cancel the household registration in Shenzhen, each place may have a difference, please follow the local exit/police station actual requirements.